Monday, April 18, 2011

At last...Amy's unofficial shower

So Amy is due in about a month. Baby boy Cole (aka Bean as I call him) is almost'll be Great to have another little boy in our circle of friends!! Gave Amy her blanket as well as Caelyn who got the Carebear blanket previously posted...Both seemed to like :-) It was a good night with lots of fun. Now I believe I'm doing a quilt for my niece...another picture one actually...must be done before June 3rd. Will post when complete of course.

Also in the last few months I've completed a couple adult women chemo caps. Gave those to a local charity who can put them to good use. Come to think of it, I don't believe I even took pictures of those. Also have completely another couple preemie hats. Will try and remember to take a picture to post...Just been busy busy working on various projects. I LOVE it when I finish things!!

about 36 weeks