Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My goal

Alright...the whole purpose of me even starting this blog is because I feel like this is something I can do to make a difference. A small way I can give back...this uses my imagination and I put a whole lot of love into whatever I'm working on.  I am by no means an expert seamstress or an experienced knitter...but I enjoy doing it and have heard from many that it is terribly appreciated. If anyone is interested I'll share patterns I use and pics of the finished products before I turn them over to the local NICU.

I hope that others will join me in this little quest...I would love to be able to consistently make large, monthly donations to the NICU. To make sure that the NICU NEVER runs out...I would love to be able to raise funds and be able to do holiday themed day where a bunch of us sit down and make gifts like pj's or quilts or hats for the kids who are stuck in the hospital over the holidays...to hopefully brighten their spirits and put them in the holiday mood! I want to make preemie holiday themed hats...who knows, maybe someday I can even come up with some of my very own!

Obviously I'll never meet every baby that I ever knit or sew a blanket/hat for...but it doesn't matter. This is the baby's first blanket or first hat and I can only hope that their mother/father will keep it and cherish the memories that go with it. Alright, enough sappiness!!


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